For this, we must know the IP our hostname the Windows File Server, and run the command:
#mount -t cifs -o username=username for access the file server, password= password for access your account on file server //IP our hostname the Windows/share folder /mnt
Now you will go for directory /mnt there is where the access point to the file server.
If you need to access more than one share, just create folders in the /mnt and point the share folder on mount command.
Assuming that the Windows server has folders: Company data and Human Resources.
Create directory on /mnt
#mkdir /mnt/company\ data
#mkdir /mnt/Human\ Resources
Now will go access Company data, okay?
#mount -t cifs -o username=username for access the file server, password= password for access your account on file server //IP our hostname the Windows/Company\ data /mnt/Company\ data
Now will go access Human Resources, we will repeat the above command replacing the folder
#mount -t cifs -o username=username for access the file server, password= password for access your account on file server //IP our hostname the Windows/Human\ Resources /mnt/Human\ Resources
This command works on all distributions.
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